Publisher Ad Tech Made Better

Publisher advertising technology has become overly complex, forcing publishers to spend too many resources implementing and managing their advertising operation. Hashtag Labs invented a more efficient and powerful framework for publisher ad tech. By providing flexible tools instead of rev-share intermediaries, HTL gives publishers the best and fastest monetization engine with complete customization and control.

The framework for publisher ad tech with a robust user interface for ad operators. BID lets you deploy any adtech service - from adding a slot size to the latest AI optimization - with the click of a button.
HTL Exec
The configurable data aggregator for publisher operations. Exec gives you ownership and control of your monetization data. "Every spreadsheet you've ever done, automated for cheap".
HTL Debug
The comprehensive browser extension for inspecting your digital ad configuration. Like having your own ad tech engineer.

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Google Certified Publishing Partner

Client Testimonials

HTL brings industry-leading customer service and engineering capabilities to ad ops and ad tech for publishers.